Friday, October 15, 2010

A walk through Port Meadow

Some of you may have already seen these on Facebook, but they're worth posting here, too!

Port Meadow is just a few blocks Northeast of our house. It is beautiful, and sometimes there is free-range livestock roaming about. The other day we went back to Port Meadow with some of our neighbors for a stroll and found ourselves within arms' reach of wild livestock. It was, indeed, WILD. I'll admit I had the occasional mental "flash-forwards" while watching Avery run down the path and imagined the terrible event in which her playful giggles caused some kind of massive stampede and she, Julia, and our neighbor-friend, Ellie Claire, became cow roadkill... But other than that, it was lovely. :) It is nice to live in such close proximity to natural beauty.

...and these next shots were taken by our friend, Bess, when we walked with them through the meadow on a different day...

Ellie Claire and Avery try to intimidate the cow by staring it down

Ellie Claire says, (and I quote her Mom, Bess) "That's right! Keep on moving, cow..." :)

Ellie Claire's little brother, Archer, who deserved to be pictured here too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the pic of Avery and Julia from behind walking down the path....LOVE it! What a great shot. Their outfits are so cute too :)
