Saturday, October 16, 2010

Matriculation Day!

Yesterday. Was. Incredibly fun.

Just getting to mill around among the group of students wearing their sub-fusc cloaks and carrying their mortar board hats was a blast. There was excitement in the air and a feeling of celebration permeated the crowd. The highlight was getting to watch Collin as he participated in a tradition of "Croquet & Pimm's" on the lawn. Suddenly, he was British. :) He just looked British! They all did! And he looked smart and handsome and just plain wonderful. What a fun day. Definitely one that as a family, we will never forget.

Above left: Julia tries to blend in with the MBAs - Hands in her pockets, leg out... So cute. Above right: Avery and Julia with our friend Ellie Claire, and with Burbank (the College "mascot") in the background.

Above: Collin standing with the President of his College Below: The kiddos try to keep themselves busy after they grow weary of watching "all the Daddies" as Avery kept saying...

As an American I tend to recognize this attire as a graduation costume, but it's funny how I never stopped to wonder why we wear that to graduate! I, like perhaps some of you, just went along with it and didn't question. It never occurred to me that our "cap and gown" of the 21st Century in North America is really a shadow of how centuries of scholars have dressed in the past. (Who knew?... And this entire outfit --the tuxedo, bow tie, cloak, cap-- is what Collin will wear EVERY time he takes an exam here. AND each exam for anyone studying anything at Oxford University is given at the Examination Schools, which is the building pictured to the right below. Intimidating!)

Croquet & Pimm's!

Avery & Julia having hot chocolate inside the lounge, where we sought shelter when the rain came! The picture of me and Collin below was made by Avery! She's getting pretty great at making pictures.

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