Friday, August 5, 2011

"Hello... Is this thing on?..."

Hi, I'm Stephanie. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away... I used to blog here. It's true! I would actually sit down at least once a day (or maybe more like once a week) with my trusty laptop and would update the world wide web with the latest happenings in the Poage family. Just walking through my daily life I would mentally file noteworthy events that might make for an interesting blog post, and would even photograph said events to add imagery to future witty narrations on the blog.

Ahh, those were the good ol' days... :)

I know I owe you thousands of words to cover all aspects of the past few months, so let's get caught up. Pictures should do it! Or better yet... Video. :)

Enjoy! I'll be back soon...

*Song Credit: my High School friend, Dylan Sneed "No Worse for the Wear"
Dylan's music is FAB-- Check him out on iTunes.


  1. love the video! So much great photography!

  2. Hey Steph, I really enjoy your blog. I tried gluten free and made it only 2 weeks. However, I did fell a lot better. You have encouraged me to try harder and make better choices. I hope that you guys are doing well.
